Dangerous thunderstorms and lightning
Boom! Lightning and your equipment According to the National Weather Service, thereare 1,800 thunderstorms in progress somewhere on the earth at any given moment, which amounts to 16 million storms each year. And with thunderstorms come wind, hail, f
May 7, 2012
Concealed weapons in public and the workplace
Historically, most states regulated the carrying of concealed weapons in public either by a complete ban or by discretionary licensing statutes that permitted the local police chief or some other designated authority to issue permits. A license or pe
Mar 28, 2012
Imported products liability
If someone asks if your automotive business is a manufacturer, your first instinct is probably to say “no, I’m in the automotive aftermarket parts and service industry.” But under certain circumstances, the courts could determine that for tort
Feb 29, 2012
Salvaged vehicles on your lot – can you spot them?
If you can’t spot them or don’t know they’re there, your business may be in jeopardy. You, the dealer, are viewed as the “expert” in the retail automotive field and are held to the highest standard in your dealings with the public. Whenever
Feb 18, 2012
Winter Preparedness
For many people in the United States, winter means hot chocolate, warm fires and the holidays. But it also inevitably means colder temperatures, snow and ice, which can pose significant risks to your automotive business. That’s why it’s important
Jan 26, 2012
New employee safety orientation
Today is the first day at work for your new employee. What do you want him or her to learn in their first few hours? Are you hoping they’ll be taught the safest way to do the job? Will your best employees have the greatest influence on them, or wil
Nov 23, 2011
Wintertime Walking: Tips to avoid slips and fall
According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics report, floors, walkways and ground surfaces were the source of 20.2 percent of all nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work in 2009. This represen
Oct 31, 2011
Catalytic Converter Theft – Gone in 90 Seconds
Due to the continued high price of precious metals, catalytic converter thefts continue to be a common crime that can be very costly to auto dealers and automotive service businesses if not addressed. In addition, many insurance policies are carrying
Sep 26, 2011
ALG: Rental Fleet Penetration Impact on Resale Values
ALG, a subsidiary of DealerTrack, has found through its proprietary modeling and research that high rental fleet penetration levels not only have had a negative impact on residual values, but on perceived quality and brand image as well. According to
Sep 8, 2011