Due to the continued high price of precious metals, catalytic converter thefts continue to be a common crime that can be very costly to auto dealers and automotive service businesses if not addressed.
In addition, many insurance policies are carrying higher per vehicle deductibles and higher per occurrence deductible aggregates, which require the insured to reimburse the insurer up to an agreed upon amount annually before losses are paid by the insurer. Therefore, customers may end up paying the full cost of replacement until they meet their aggregate amount.
To learn more about this read the latest Loss Prevention Bulletin from Zurich, http://hpd.zurichna.com/Newsletters/Zurich-LP-Catalytic-Converter-Theft.pdf“Catalytic Converter Theft – Gone in 90 Seconds”
Click here to download the PDF version of “Catalytic Converter Theft – Gone in 90 Seconds”