Historically, most states regulated the carrying of concealed weapons in public either by a complete ban or by discretionary licensing statutes that permitted the local police chief or some other designated authority to issue permits. A license or permit could be issued to anyone with “good character” and who could demonstrate a “good purpose” or “proper cause” for carrying a concealed weapon.
In recent years, however, there has been a dramatic increase in state gun laws that allow citizens to carry concealed weapons in public. Carrying Concealed Weapons (CCW) laws regulate requirements to allow an individual to carry a concealed firearm in public. It is important to note that CCW statutes are different from private individuals’ right to own firearms.
To learn more about this read the latest Loss Prevention Bulletin from Zurich, “Concealed Weapons in Public and the Workplace.”
Click here to download the PDF version of “Concealed Weapons in Public and the Workplace.”