There may be many that are wondering what I mean when I say the reverse TO. We have all heard of the TO effect when we actually “turn over” the call or up to a manager on duty (and in sight) Now, let’s stop and take a little bit of time to learn about the reverse TO The reverse TO happens when you touch bases with the manager and log in with the customer. We see how the reverse TO has already taken effect, as you notice I stated with how we touch bases with the manager first! In all of my years as being in the automotive industry I have seen many times how salesmen will first get the customer excited, run their ID and then take them straight to test driving a vehicle. Well with the reverse TO is when you meet the manager first.
Let’s be honest here folks, if you or anyone that you know have ever bought a vehicle, you never meet the manager until the end of your visit, when you are going over your financing options. Wow! Think about it, when a customer with not the best credit goes into a dealership expecting to get financed (with their special credit situation), the salesperson already has their sight set as “Here we go again.” I’ve heard and I know some of you won’t admit it. Some will and some won’t. I have said it many times before, I am not being mean or callous, I am being truthful. Quite frankly, we all want honesty good or bad.
Now, since we have the customer here, they are excited about meeting the manager and feeling a little more comfortable about their visit to us today, we ask for their confirmation number and Picture I.D. A special finance customer will likely have some quick paperwork to complete and then will be shown some cars while waiting for a “callback.” A retail customer will share with the salesperson and/or manager desired vehicles and features. Once again the reverse TO comes into effect by the manager. The manager will direct the sales representative to either pull up a vehicle or to show a vehicle. I would advise you to know your lot and where everything is. Get the keys and pull vehicles away before beginning your production presentation using FAB: Features, Advantages and Benefits with effective communication skills, influence and persuasion techniques.
I am a firm believer of management doing the initial greeting with customers to assess the special finance or retail fork in the road first, because closing an appointment that actually shows on time, this ensures the customer will come inside for the manager or representative to implement and/or perfect the reverse TO process. Connecting at delivery is much more seamless when we make adjustments to our playbook ahead of time. Process and connecting at delivery is much more seamless when we make adjustments to our Playbook ahead of time. Who is your position coach to assure your folks are doing the deal instead of dealing with what they are or are not doing?
The average “confirmed” doesn’t even have a confirmation number associated with it, so as to “activate” their confidential file. Make a driver’s license swipe or copy and reverse TO with a manager after reading the notes in the CRM and allow the product specialist or Internet sales representative…etc. to pull up “their” vehicle. Now, we have everything necessary for a demonstration. When done properly, the customer(s) is in the passenger seat(s) and the PRO presents the vehicle and drives off to complete the demonstration. Double your test drives with the reverse TO and confirmation numbers. I have used GR177 for over 15 years. I cannot stress enough when I am training, instill the “reverse TO” on all appointments and double your demo rides; assist with driver’s license plates etc., whenever possible to assure a smooth “demonstration” of your product. It is an actual demo!
Let’s not forget to master the essence of emotion, human instinct closing and the fact that mental ownership must precede financial ownership. No car becomes “theirs” without them driving it, that we can all agree upon. My point is that, when we have a backup plan for every scenario through enhanced communication, we bat like all stars! TO to someone that is not too busy to build rapport and work the customer properly, never put off handling a customer the right way because of a hectic schedule. You need to make sure the customer feels comfortable because it costs too much not to work the process, and sell. Please do not attempt to introduce the shows/customers to the BDC, use the reverse TO with a manager. The BDC is the “wizard behind the curtain.” As advocates, they will call back and share about their experience. Make sure to “activate their confirmation number” if an appointment. If not, “Great follow me, either way.” Lead or be led, bring them inside. Begin a quick license scan and guest information sheet for the reverse TO. “Show and Sell or Show and Tell!”