How to Solve Customer Service Issues with a Sales Portal, from Now Commerce.
Customer service can make or break a business. Excellent service can create loyal customers, and loyal customers will gladly give referrals. Customers can disappear quickly with bad customer service.
Inadequate processes are one of the main reasons customer service breaks down. Issues that can arise are lost or erroneous orders, missed or late shipments, or incorrect pricing. A sales rep portal is a tool that can help define your order processing and eliminate a number of these problems and inefficiencies.
What is a Sales Portal?
A sales portal is software that enables your customer service staff and sales reps to view product and account details, check pricing and inventory availability, and place orders 24/7. When sales reps and customer service staff can quickly answer customer questions, it creates a level of customer service that may have been missing.
How does a sales portal alleviate some common customer service issues?