We need more leads, we aren’t selling enough, call the ad gal, or get on the net and find some leads, change the key words, fire the SEO, who now is like the SOB… because your techie person won’t call you back and has you on their spam list now. Have you ever said that at your dealership? You come out of your Friday you better sell em meeting or I am going to fire you meeting if we don’t sell come cars right now! You’re so angry! Or you come back with a bag of tricks and toys from a big show thinking, that will get more buyers and sales in the door. You know I wonder how many dealers bring back their bags and never take out the great ideas they heard at the show?
I think everyone has been there, done that, and now after being overwhelmed with technology, or addicted to apples such as a new iPhone, pad, air, or whatever and is now trying to figure out, where are the leads, I need to buy more leads, its almost like the old old TV show, Lost In Space, you might have to goggle it. Now you are Lost In Leads!
Are The Leads Weak Or….
The leads aren’t the problem like Alex Baldwin said in Glengarry Glen Ross movie when the salesperson said, the leads are weak! Are the leads weak? Or is your team weak! You can find the leads, but can you find the salespeople to close on the leads you get! The keyword that is the one to punch on your search bar is Conversion. Convert the lead to a sale! simple yet hard to do.
How do you convert your lead to a sale is the result goal of every lead you get. The hard part is the conversion of the lead and it takes several different activities to get there.
What Are Those Steps!
Respond to and email – web marketing – website application – web inquiry – phone call – voice message – referral – prospect – text – bill board – TV ad – green paper – set appointment – show up and eventually buy.
I believe that too many dealers are buying first aid kits known as SEO or new websites. If technology was the answer to improving your sales, then how come the inbox isn’t full of sales on Monday morning? Don’t get me wrong, i love technology, Im going to get the Iwatch so that i can look like a bushel of apples with all the other devices I have by them. What we need to go back to and should go back to is the development of your salespeople so that the thousands you spend on technology can be improved on such as Return On Internet – yes that’s ROI.
I love the topic I chose for the Digital Dealer Conference “ Exposure To Closure, and the reason why is that we have to improve our closing ratio in so many areas that will help you sell more cars. The days of hiring salespeople and throwing them out there and saying ok Kitty, go meow like a tiger are dead like the witch of the west. Today the development of a salesperson”s skills are back in style like fluorescent colors, who knew!
Enjoy this session and 100+ sessions, workshops and case studies at the 18th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition from April 21-23 in Tampa, FL!