Adding mobile marketing to your fixed operations marketing plan, according to Stratosphere Studio.
Since the invention of the smart phone, our lives have never been the same. Everywhere you look, people are constantly making use of mobile technology. We get news alerts on our phones, social network updates, text messages, emails, and so much more. More businesses are starting to employ methods that allow patrons to pay for services by scanning a bar code on their phones. The average restaurant-goer is now as crucial for reviews as a highly-respected food critic, since posting food photos has become a favorite national pastime. Mobile usage has increased exponentially in just the last decade and it has opened many doors for businesses in how to communicate creatively with customers.What about auto body shops and mobile marketing?
As a body shop, you might be wondering whether mobile marketing might be effective for your particular business. After all, people tend to elect your services on a sporadic, as-needed basis. Does this mean that you can’t use mobile marketing to your advantage? If this is a concern for you, let me reassure you that mobile marketing can be a major asset for any business in the automotive industry. Here are some great ways to add mobile opportunities to your collision repair marketing plan…