While every business would likely love to be prominent on all social media networks, many that attempt to do so quickly experience burnout. It is possible to have a fully developed presence on the various major platforms, but for those without a social media team or those just starting, a better tactic might be building upon the strongest current network presence and using syndication and/or post scheduling tools to help expand to other networks.
Many times, business owners know that social media networks are important in some way for their company, and will set up accounts representing their brand or store on one or more platforms. The amount of time required to maintain multiple social networking accounts for a business can quickly add up. If time and resources are an issue, it can be a benefit to focus on one or two platforms where the company is currently doing best (most followers, highest engagement, etc) and focus on making those really shine. Often a good or service appeals or applies to a certain demographic, and social media networks each tend to carry their own levels of this type of shopper. Therefore, a business offering that type of product will see more results on those networks right away.
The next step after making sure the most important networks get their due attention is to make use of post scheduling tools to more efficiently get content into these networks and other major networks and syndicating content so that it stays consistent throughout each network. Post scheduling tools and utilities allow businesses to post to many social media networks at once in the appropriate format for that network. This helps ensure that the voice of the business is not lost and that the various networks are covered with constant updates. Using this approach can help a company maintain a presence on many networks while focusing on the ones that bring them the most benefit.
More social networks seem to appear all the time, and keeping track of them all can be a serious task. Contact ZMOT Auto today to make sure your business is visible everywhere zero moment customers are!