Digital Dealer, Orlando – Featured Speaker
Phillip Stutts brings businesses to a revolutionary new view of marketing through the lens of successful presidential campaign victories.
On stage, Phillip unveils the secret 5-Step Undefeated Marketing Formula used by his company to win U.S. Senate seats, Congressional races, and The White House. He will share how sports teams use this same formula to win championships, trial lawyers use it to win cases, and doctors to heal patients — and how you too can use it to win in any position, even when facing some of the most challenging conditions. As Phillip illustrates, the only ones not tapping into this winning formula are marketers.
Sharing the successful marketing methods that he applies to Fortune 200 companies and small businesses, Phillip will provide you with actionable takeaways that will help you convert more customers, grow your bottom line, and dominate the competition, simply by playing the game as nobody else does.
With over 1,200 election victories in 20+ years including hundreds of U.S. House campaigns, dozens of U.S. Senate campaigns, and three U.S. Presidential victories Phillip knows political marketing on the highest level.
Using behind-the-scenes war stories from the campaign trail and memorable marketing examples, Phillip’s keynote will not only be entertaining, but it also will fundamentally shift your way of thinking. He’ll show how strategies, proven in the heat of marketings most ruthless arena, can be applied to numerous businesses across various industries, including automotive retail.
A best-selling author, Phillips second book “Undefeated: The Secret Formula That Gets Presidents Elected and Can Grow Your Business Every Time,” is due for release in 2020. News outlets have lauded him as a marketing genius, ESPN called him the political guru, and Mike Dillard dubbed him The Michael Jordan of Political Marketing