Shiny Objects and Technology, from Dealer Marketing Magazine.
Tools to Increase Your Business Aren’t Worth Much Without Follow-up and Training
The recent NADA Convention is over. As always, there was plenty of information to gain and a lot of shiny objects being displayed. Dealers and major executives were out with their checkbooks looking for ways to increase their business in 2015. There were countless vendors that offered websites, digital marketing (reputation management, SEO/SEM, social media, etc.), CRM, equity mining, mobile, training, consulting, and much more.
What shiny objects did your dealership sign up for? How will your staff use these shiny objects? These are important questions that need to be asked before deciding on signing up for products and services. In fact, when signing up while on the convention floor, there should be a way to get a real testimonial from the vendor’s current clients. The reason for this is because it can be overwhelming to meet so many companies in a short three-day span.
Technology is constantly improving, and more vendors come out of the woodwork offering new solutions every year. The biggest discussions in the industry continue to include mobile, equity mining, reporting dashboards, and improved sales process techniques. In fact, there are even books being released to discuss digital marketing and sales expertise. While each technology solution offers great benefits to dealers, it is important to consider how the information can be used. Consider the level of commitment that it will take to be successful with a certain product or service.