Does that mean social media is pointless? Does it deem it worthy of cutting from your digital budget? Think again.
Social holds the keys to getting your dealership in front of exactly the right audience. Think about it this way – what is every single person doing during a commercial break, or before they go to bed? They’re not reading a newspaper. They’re not looking through their mail. They’re most likely not staring at a billboard.They’re checking theirphone – and scanning through their newsfeed on Facebook. In between posts from their friends and family, ads appear that they can’t avoid.
THEN – think about every little thing that gets shared on Facebook; check-ins, restaurant reviews, life changes, jobs, family updates – every honest thought that pops into a person’s head. The data collected from Facebook users, JUST by them using the platform every day, provides us with unbelievable ways to not only learn about them, but to target them from an advertising standpoint. Combine that with the fact that71% of adult internet users are on Facebook. To top it off – Facebook also partners with huge data companies to show us what cars users currently drive, whether they lease or buy, how old their car is, PLUS additional point of sale information & research.
To summarize? You’ve got data willingly shared by each user. You’ve got a huge population of shoppers tuned in daily, and you have even more precise data to narrow down your audience even more. You have the opportunity to say what you need to say, to exactly the right people. If you’re choosing to ignore the power of selling on social, you’re saying out loud that you’re OK with missing out on making more money.
It’s time to acknowledge that social media marketing has evolved. While it may have just been that having a presence was good enough, and sharing funny memes did the trick – we know now that it’s there to help you sell. Whether your goal is to increase traffic and sales, promote recruitment, encourage engagement, or just expose your brand to a new market – you can leverage Facebook’s various ad objectives and data options to make it work!
At my session, I’ll be reviewing the potential behind running ad campaigns on Facebook. I’ll break down the different types of ad objectives offered through Facebook ads manager and how you can use them to align with your marketing goals, generate leads, book more service appointments and sell cars. Join me for Making Social Sell – the Power of Facebook Ads April 21-23 in Tampa, FL. at the 18th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition!