Learn Three Key Ingredients to Driving Low-Cost, High Quality Facebook Traffic to Your Dealer Website
One of the problems Internet marketing departments face is the many options available for online advertising. Not only are platforms expanding, but ways to advertise within those platforms are as well. The research involved to create effective ads within these sites can be daunting, involving a crash course in analytics and proprietary information for that particular platform. And even then, it’s lots of A/B testing and potentially a lot of time and money wasted before seeing any results.
Facebook in particular has had nearly as much negative feedback as positive, as an advertising vehicle. And the way ads are delivered and viewed on the site is changing frequently.
Returning Digital Dealer Conference & Exhibition session leader Alex Jefferson has been through all that, too. As the E-commerce director of the Proctor Dealerships in Tallahassee, Florida, Jefferson became the first online marketing director at Proctor and has become an industry leader in targeted digital marketing, reputation management, lead conversion and Internet process management.
But even he admits it was a struggle to cut through all the chaff and hit-and-miss results with Facebook advertising. So Jefferson decided to go straight to the Facebook headquarters himself to learn from their marketers, just what strategies do work in creating effective advertising on Facebook that drive quality traffic to a website.
Jefferson has come away with three “secret ingredients” that he says are key elements for any successful FB advertising campaign. “Just like Mama’s home cooking,” laughs Jefferson.
“I don’t talk a lot of analytics or hypotheticals about what should work on Facebook,” says Jefferson. I focus on what dealers need to know, and what to include in their campaigns, to get results. And it works!”