Make hidden persuaders work for you, from Marketing Profs.
Hidden persuaders influence what products are bought and how customers rate the shopping experience. They include aromas that increase spending, music that boosts profits, colors that enhance sales, and font choices that can make or break a purchase.
This article discusses how they work—and how you can make them work for you.
Consumers move through a glittering haze of commercial messages. At every second their brains are bombarded by around eleven million bits of information. But they can consciously attend to just 16 of them!
The rest of the information is not ignored, however. Far from it. Most is processed by the subconscious mind, where it influences what they buy, how much they spend, how long they shop for, and how well or badly they subsequently rate the shopping experience.
Although hidden persuaders operate via all the senses, one of the most neglected yet most powerful of these is the sense of smell.