Yin Yang is perhaps the most known and documented concept used within Taoism. With Yin/Yang, two halves come together to create wholeness. Examples abound in everyday life: night and day; sun and shade; art and analytics.
Inbound and outbound marketing, when done right, are an example of Yin/Yang – two sides that make a whole. Inbound marketing techniques draw potential customers to you while outbound techniques go to where the customers are less likely to find you on their own.
Regardless of how leads are generated, both inbound and outbound marketing techniques must fill the pipeline with MQL’s, SQL’s, sales opportunities, and deals. The more sales opportunities and deals that marketing drives, the better the performance review in the boardroom.
Inbound marketing optimization has limitations. For example, increasing the frequency of posting new blogs, adding more and more back links, modifying meta tags to comply with modifications in search algorithms might attract new leads. But at a certain point there is a limited return for all that effort. Outbound techniques allow marketers to scale their demand gen efforts significantly and produce a steady flow of high quality leads into the sales pipeline.
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