5 ideas for personalizing the online car shopping journey, from Autochart.
You know more than you think about your visitors
If I’m shopping on your dealership website, you can form quite a detailed persona on me. You know what website I’ve just arrived from. You know if I’ve been here before and how many times. You should know what vehicles I looked at during my previous visits, what features I entered in my search, what figures I entered in your finance calculator and whether I clicked on any reviews. Any significant interaction I’ve had with your website, you should know about it.
Thing is, you probably weren’t taking any notice of what I was doing on your website. Perhaps your marketing guys were capturing some general Google Analytics events for end of month “engagement” reporting, but you weren’t paying my personal requirements any attention. I’m not officially “a lead” yet, so until I become one, individually tailored customer service can wait.
Amazon is the canonical example of content personalization on the web with their “Recommendations for You” & “Related to Items You’ve Viewed” sections. They use the interactions you’ve made on their website to serve you up this content just for you. They’ve been doing this for years yet personalized car dealership websites are still extremely scarce. An industry report by Accenture found that 75% of automotive shoppers would like more intuitive, customized content made available to them. The opportunity is certainly there.