Troubleshooting 5 common body shop marketing problems, from Stratosphere Studio.
One of the most frequent problems we find among collision repair shops all over the country is that they seem to be doing everything they can to market their businesses, but that marketing just isn’t translating to sales. This can be a huge frustration—especially when you’ve been devoting so much time you don’t really have to this area of your business. When our auto body shop clients first come to us for help with their marketing, we carefully evaluate what they are already doing and then recommend what steps we can take to increase the success of their business. A major part of this process involves troubleshooting where the problem areas are. Some problems are so common among body shops that we wanted to create this guide for you in case you are in the process of evaluating your own marketing. See if any of these issues match your own situation:
Problem #1: You have lots of website visitors, but hardly any leads.
If your collision repair shop is suffering from this issue, don’t worry—you’ve at least conquered the first marketing step of getting people to your site. Now it sounds like you need some really attractive offers in order to convert your visitors into leads. Post calls to action on every single page of your website that ask visitors for their contact information in exchange for irresistible coupons, downloadable body shop guides, videos, and more. Sometimes, the most attractive CTA is a page for scheduling an appointment. Test out various offers and see what people respond to most.