December 5th – 11th the top ten educational sessions from DD13 and industry leading vendors, presenting the latest Internet and technology solutions for franchised dealerships, will be showcased in a brand new way to learn how to sell and service more vehicles more profitably.
The Digital Dealer Virtual Exposition, December 5th -11th , 2012 will present an entirely new way to learn about the latest digital strategies and cutting edge technology to sell and service more vehicles more profitably. With complimentary registration for dealership personnel, all attendees of the 13th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition, along with any dealer or manager that wasn’t able to personally attend the industry’s premier automotive digital strategy conference, will be able to tour an interactive virtual exhibit hall featuring the industry’s leading Internet and technology solutions providers for franchised dealerships. Plus all attendees will be able to experience the top ten educational sessions recently delivered at the 13th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition in Las Vegas covering Google strategies, Facebook marketing and many other subjects geared at helping dealerships hone their operations.
Tori Morandi, Manager of Industry Education at led a discussion of The Fundamentals of Online Automotive Marketing at the 13th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition. This introductory workshop will be delivered on-demand during the Digital Dealer Virtual Exposition and help attendees learn why the Internet works as the primary influence to get car shoppers to walk into your dealership, consumers’ mindset, how much and where they spend their time online when they are shopping for a car, best practices for merchandising and the importance of online reputation management.
- The top 10 educational sessions presented at the 13th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition in Las Vegas focused on Social Media, Fixed Operations, Pre-Owned delivered in Advanced, Intermediate, and Fundamental tracks will be offered on-demand.
- Learn about products and services from leading industry solutions providers, and not just the ones you have heard of, but new solutions that will soon be common place – like once was the case with Google, Facebook, and Auto-by-tel.
- Educate all department personnel on product features, advantages and benefits to your dealership through video and interactive product information.
- Another opportunity to see the over 120 solutions providers at the 13th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition – nearly every exhibitor will have a virtual exhibit.
- Chat directly with solutions providers to learn more information.
- For a full week dealerships across the country can learn about the latest, greatest most innovative new technology and learn how to sell and service more vehicles more profitably anywhere with Internet access, anytime.
- December 5th – 11th, 2012 with 24/7 cloud based access.
- Complimentary access for all dealership attendees.
The top ten educational sessions will be delivered on-demand offering dealers and managers, along with the entire staff of franchised dealerships, the opportunity to learn new strategies to improve revenue and profits. The following sessions will viewable anytime during December 5th – 11th :
–Google keynote – Fine-tuning your Online Marketing – A holistic approach for winning customers online
Peter Leto and Marianna Kerppola, industry strategists on Google’s Dealer Jumpstart Team
–General Session – Dealership Facebook Marketing 2013 – Proven strategies to attract visitors, engage genuine fans and generate leads
Kathi Kruse is an automotive social media marketing expert, blogger, speaker, coach, author and founder of Kruse Control Inc.
Click here to learn more about Kathi’s educational session
–Social Media – Advanced SEO for Dealers – What Still Works on Google
Google is constantly changing and massaging its algorithm to improve its local results. Ali Amirrezvani will cut through the clutter about what still drives organic rankings and how to leverage that knowledge for your dealership in 2013.
Ali Amirrezvani President, CEO, and co-founder of DealerOn, Inc.
Click here to learn more about Ali’s educational session
–Pre-owned – Blending Science and Strategy to Maximize Used Vehicle ROI
This session will help you to establish a market-specific inventory strategy and execute it using market-based data to maximize used vehicle return on investment (ROI) and profitability.
Dale Pollak founded Digital Motor Works, sold to ADP Corporation in 2002, vAuto, sold to in 2010.
Click here to learn more about Dale’s educational session
–Fixed Operations – Parts e-Commerce – A Dealer Guide
Why parts e-commerce matters to dealers – the opportunities and risks, an explanation of dealer’s choices, what dealers, automakers and buyers are doing now as well as advice on how to implement parts e-Commerce.
Ted Fellowes has devoted over 25 years to helping dealerships boost fixed operations ROI
Click here to learn more about Ted’s educational session
–Advanced – SEM: $300,000 Difference Per Year to the Bottom Line
Learn how to keep score using key metrics and you will change the score.
Michael Groves is the e-Commerce director for the Apple Auto Group
Click here to learn more about Michael’s educational session
–Advanced – How to Hook Shoppers Online, and Buyers on the Lot
Discover how today’s consumers make car-buying decisions changes the way you advertise online.
Jacob Solotaroff, Senior Vice President, General Manager of MAX Systems
Click here to learn more about Jacob’s educational session
–Intermediate – The Digital Crisis that is Slowly Killing your Dealership – Six crucial steps to your dealership’s future survival
Kevin Frye is the e-Commerce Director of the Jeff Wyler Automotive Family, one of the top 50 dealership groups in the United States
Click here to learn more about Kevin’s educational session
–Fundamental – The Fundamentals of Online Automotive Marketing
Nothing has affected how people buy cars more than the Internet. In fact, you can safely assume that more than 90% of the shoppers who walk into your dealership have done at least some research on the Internet about you, your cars and what people are saying about you. In this introductory workshop, you’ll learn about why the Internet works as the primary influence to get car shoppers to walk into your dealership. You’ll also learn about consumers’ mindset, how much and where they spend their time online when they are shopping for a car, best practices for merchandising and the importance of online reputation management.
Tori Morandi, Manager, Industry Education,
–Fundamental – New Trends in Search and Social Marketing
Learn how to implement the new tools and increase your sales and service leads substantially.
Paul Potratz is an industry leader and speaker in digital, behavioral and social media marketing for the automotive industry
To register for an entirely new way to learn about the latest, greatest and most innovative products that will change the way dealerships operate visit Registration is complimentary for all dealership attendees.