Nearly one in seven—14 percent—new car buyers who visit social networking sites like Facebook at least once a week look at advertisements there. This represents about 4.5 percent of all new car buyers, according to Friedman.
The number of new car buyers who connect with auto dealerships on Facebook is even smaller:
- About 2.2 percent of new car buyers visit a dealership’s Facebook page;
- About 1.9 percent of new car buyers have looked at car dealership ads on Facebook; and
- About 1.9 percent of new car buyers have either “liked” a dealership or have become its Facebook friend or a fan.
“Social networking is on the rise, but it is not a strong advertising tool for car dealerships at this time,” notes Friedman. “There are exceptions—dealers who have surpassed these national numbers—but overall, Facebook is not driving traffic to dealerships right now.”
Still, Friedman notes, Facebook could be an important component of dealership marketing. “Facebook is part of a dealership’s public relations and marketing campaign,” Friedman says. “Customers who become Facebook friends with auto dealerships might have stronger customer loyalty in the long run.”
Friedman-Swift’s research is based on telephone surveys with 7,111 new car buyers in 2011 and 2012. All survey respondents had recently purchased or leased a new car or truck and were over 18 years of age. Car buyers employed in the advertising, market research or auto dealership industries were excluded from the study.
ABOUT FRIEDMAN-SWIFT ASSOCIATES: Friedman-Swift Associates is the largest retail automotive research firm in the country, serving over 6,000 automobile dealerships including most Number One retailers in each line and most megadealers since 1979. For more information, visit, email [email protected] or call 513-772-9200.
SOURCE Friedman-Swift Associates