Get ready for the premier learning and networking event dedicated to Internet and technology solutions for franchised dealerships. The 14th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition will return to the Rosen Shingle Creek May 7-9, 2013 with new education options, groundbreaking keynotes and the industry’s largest collection of thought leaders ready to present the latest strategies to sell and service more vehicles more profitably.
Early-bird registration is now available with great opportunities to save on individual and group registration rates. Be one of the first 50 dealership attendees to register and you will automatically be eligible for a free registration!
- Speaker application deadline: January 18 to access visit
- First round of speakers announced: January 22
- Full agenda posted online: February 15
- Second round of speakers announced: February 18
- Early bird registration deadline: March 3
- Final round of speakers announced: March 4
- Session room assignments posted online: April 1
- 14th Digital Dealer: May 7-9
As the automotive marketplace and customer behavior continue to evolve, the most progressive dealerships are utilizing proven digital marketing strategies and industry best practices to achieve optimal results. Attending the Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition will show you how to maximize revenue and profit potential in your local market.
Dealership attendees have been and always will be the focus of the Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition. Attendees can expect to learn from the biggest names in the automotive business sharing models of success from direct experience working in and with dealerships. In addition to returning favorites, new speakers and new
educational topics will be added to the agenda, allowing attendees to target the information they need most.
Pete Nelson, Business and Marketing Director from Wilson Motors Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Scion, and Sprinter Vans in Bellingham, WA summarized many benefits he experienced attending the 13th Digital Dealer…
“It is always easy to believe you are an expert in your field of work; however, we, the automotive industry, are faced with ever changing technology and process that demands a proactive and organic game plan now and in the future… if we want to be relevant in car sales via the Internet and overall.
As a participant at the Digital Dealer Conference this year there was no doubt this belief system was embraced by all that supported the event. The subject matter was presented by those who were hands-on with the automotive industry and the information I received was fantastic- relevant, progressive, and based on models of success. The vendor group incorporated within the event was an assortment of the best product for dealerships to move forward with in the future- a few I signed up within weeks of the event.
I want to be an expert within automotive Internet sales. I want my dealership to be the best it can be. Dealerships who embrace this conference now and in the future will be the best of the best within the automotive Industry.”
After 13 successful events, the Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition has a proven track record for success.
Customize your strategy:
New to the 14th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition will be an expanded educational curriculum and track structure for over 100 sessions, workshops and case studies, allowing you to customize an improvement path based on your needs.
The educational content will be presented in the following nine tracks:
- Digital Marketing
- Data & Analytics
- Social Media
- Management
- Fixed Operations
- New Sales
- Pre-owned
- Reputation & Loyalty
- CRM & Telephony
Within each track, sessions will be designated as Advanced, Intermediate or Fundamental so attendees can choose the material that meets their own experience level.
Learn more about the new track structure
Learn from your peers:
No one will have better advice on issues facing your business than a fellow dealer or manager, and with the legendary Digital Dealer Peer Networking Roundtables, you can sit down with a like-minded professional from outside your market to exchange ideas on metrics, vendors, new digital solutions, what works and what doesn’t for your dealerships. Bring your toughest issues; chances are you’ll return home with the ideal solution.
Expert feedback on your operation:
Digital Dealer Learning Labs will provide attendees feedback on their own business directly from an industry expert. Dedicated to a number of subjects critical to dealership operations such as Facebook and Google strategies, Learning Labs are designed to show attendees how they can improve on their own current practices.
Learn which new technology solutions are right for your dealership:
The return of Digital Dealer Innovation Hours will allow attendees to target the right technology solutions for their dealerships. Presented in ‘Innovation Theater’ a series of ten – fifteen minute demonstrations illustrate the benefits of several new technology solutions within the same product category. In Digital Dealer Innovation Hours it’s ‘just the facts’ about new products, so dealerships can understand what would work best for their needs.
Beyond Innovation Hours the Digital Dealer Exhibit Hall will showcase the industry’s largest collection of leading technology-focused providers. Choose the product category you want to learn more about – for instance reputation management, auction tools, DMS or CRM – you will be able to easily find the companies that offer
exactly the solution you are looking for.
Turn three days of learning and networking into an actionable plan for your business:
The event will include Digital Dealer Case Studies providing actual examples of how a dealership utilized a new service, technology or application to their advantage. This series of best practice models will help you return home with clear steps to implement the new strategies and ideas you learned while attending the 14th Digital Dealer.
Visit to learn how attending the 14th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition can help advance your business.