8 ways to protect yourself from Microsoft’s dangerous Internet Explorer but, according to Entrepreneur.
Internet users can’t get a breather from security threats, even as we’re still reeling from Heartbleed.
And now, if you’re using Internet Explorer, you have even more to stress out about.
Your computer could be completely taken over — as in remote controlled — by hackers. Not good, and you’re especially at risk if you’re still running XP.
News of Microsoft’s dangerous web browser bug made the rounds over the weekend and the tech giant is still racing to fix it. The vulnerability, uncovered by the Milpitas, Calif.-based cyber security firm FireEye, is a particularly nasty one. It leaves users wide open to cyber thieves who could exploit the flaw to pollute computers with malware and, yes, even remotely control users’ computers, according to a sobering security advisory Microsoft released over the weekend.