Announcement from Traver Connect
Traver Connect, a complete suite of solutions for automobile dealerships aimed at maximizing Sales and Service BDC, today announced an expansion of their solutions is approved by General Motors as an in-Market Retail turnkey product and PASE Service BDC-enabler. The new product offerings will help GM dealerships lift customer satisfaction and focus on retention ratings in fixed operations, while also receiving co-op reimbursement for their use of their Quick ConnectTM sales lead product.
BDC Capsule functions as the first agent-remote software with an integrated Service BDC telephony and CRM platform. This allows automation of tracking agent productivity, revenue sold in the call, measurement and management of agent time, efficiencies, and customer sentiment. The system eliminates excel and manual tracking, which can be time-consuming and easily manipulated. The product functions as a designed CRM, from the BDC originators, to optimize labor, eliminate double work, and help increase communication between team members and management. Crucial new metrics, like appointment RO revenue vs total revenue, are automatically accounted for, tracked, and reported in the system, giving teams a product built by the company that originated the BDC concept for today’s BDC experts.
“We are seeing an increased focus on retention numbers as a driver for a variety of benefits through GM and other manufacturers. As we move toward retention goals higher than ever to hit these targets, it will be more important for dealerships to align with the correct partners to help them attain these goals and create ongoing revenue in their service and sales departments,” said Bob Gower, COO of Traver Connect.
Through this approval Traver Connect’s BDC solutions will now be included in GM’s Dealer Vendor portal, enabling dealerships to use the product and drive true be reimbursed for their investment.
“Dealerships currently using our BDC solutions are able to better track today’s new metrics, and by doing so, are able to show the Return-on-Investment that comes from their department. We help turn the BDC from an expense center to a profit center,” said Gower.
Visit or call 855-891-0010 to learn more or schedule a complimentary evaluation of your Service BDC.
Traver Connect offers a complete suite of solutions for automobile dealerships to maximize Sales BDC and Service BDC. Dealerships can utilize Traver Connect’s proprietary software, its call center, or both to increase revenue. The entire suite of Traver Connect’s solutions are designed to convert customer leads into actual sales and service-lane profits. Its staff of experienced experts is also able to provide professional training, both online and on-site, observing social distancing and safety measures. Traver Connect is ready to guide dealerships with well-executed best practices designed to grow customers consistently and profitably. In short, Traver Connect can enhance an entire dealership’s bottom line.