Your Customer’s Perception Is Reality, from KPA Blog.
It’s tough out there. Customer access to information on the internet continues to shrink margins. Dealerships are just trying to scrape by in a highly competitive marketplace. You have to do whatever it takes to stay ahead of the competition.
Some may view compliance as not necessary, overrated, annoying, a waste of time, and simply harmful to profitability. These are perceptions and as they say, perception is reality.
Some employees may be tempted to act unethically when trying to make a deal. After all, the chances of getting caught are slim, right? Well, that’s one way of looking at it. Another way is to ask yourself what’s really more important: flying under the radar? Or satisfying your customers? When it comes to compliance and ethical behavior, the true payoff is customer satisfaction. It really comes down to one simple premise – your customer’s perception is the only reality that should matter.