It’s Time to Strut Your Stuff and Complement Your Current E-marketing Efforts with Video and Display Ads
It’s no secret the internet has fundamentally changed the way people buy cars. Gone are the days folks wait for the Sunday circular to find an appealing deal and stroll down to the dealership for an afternoon of shopping and haggling. Today’s consumer comes armed with more information than ever before, ready to challenge the most knowledgeable sales staff with prices of local competitors, and strategies garnered from a host of sales professionals. It’s like selling to a salesman, with the next dealer breathing down your neck for his chance, next.
And while nearly every dealer has at least a toe, or a good part of a foot in the water of online advertising, what is the best online advertising strategy to part through of all the new digital clutter, and get pre-qualified customers to your lot?
The next step to crafting a strong and effective online presence is creating a campaign of display advertising to compliment your SEM (search engine marketing) arsenal.
The age-old adage is still true – a picture is worth 1,000 words. And with today’s consumer not likely to read past a headline, image-based ads – and now video – are the main ways dealers are grabbing eyeballs and attracting customers.
No one knows this better than Ken Insana, an industry veteran with over 20 years experience in digital marketing. A principle Senior Manager of Consumer Research & Analytics at AOL, Insana has produced ground-breaking studies about how digital shortens the automotive purchase path, how technology shapes consumer behavior and how to measure online effectiveness using sales data.
Insana’s session at the 16th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition this May 6th through 8th in Atlantic City, promises to give an insider’s look at how display advertising can be used to complement SEM and increase overall digital advertising ROI as well as reach. Ken will also shed light on the online shipping behavior of consumers and why digital display is now the most influential advertising platform for auto purchase decisions. Insana will also take attendees through the various types of digital display formats available to marketers, including the fastest growing category of display advertising in the auto industry – video. Finally, attendees will learn best practices for executing and measuring display advertising across multiple screens.