What actions do car buyers take online before visiting a dealership to purchase a vehicle? Google partnered with Shopper Sciences to examine the path to purchase in the car buying process. This study introduces the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT), the actions a consumer takes before reaching the dealership. How does the online space influence the car buyer’s purchase process? What are the four B’s to building a successful marketing campaign? Joe Maciariello is sharing his expertise with you.
What will you learn and what action items will you take back to the dealership?
1. Shopper’s buying cycle – how far out users are from making the decision to purchase a vehicle.
2. What resources consumers are turning to in the ZMOT and which resources are most influential in their purchasing decisions.
3. Shoppers behavior after the sale – how they interact with the dealership and share their experience.
4. How customer demographics affect behavior across the entire buying cycle.
Joe Maciariello is a senior account executive on the automotive vertical team at Google. He is responsible for developing multi-channel advertising strategies for many of the company’s Southern California based automotive clients and agency partners. Before joining Google in 2010, he served as director of digital communications at Saatchi & Saatchi where he was responsible for developing marketing strategies for Toyota’s regional partners with a focus on integrating efforts between the factory and local associations.
An 11th Digital Dealer® Conference & Exposition Featured Speaker: Joe Maciariello — The Zero Moment of Truth – Understanding the Digital Engagement of Today’s Car Buyer:
What actions do car buyers take online before visiting a dealership to purchase a vehicle.
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