Everyone has a web site these days, but technology moves very quickly. Are you keeping up? What are a few elements of the digital marketing age that you should expect to get when purchasing a web site? Is your site converting all the leads possible? How do you know? Tim Clay is sharing his expertise with you.
What will you learn and what action items will you take back to the dealership?
1. What is happening in the digital space today as it relates to auto dealers.
2. What you should expect of your web vendor.
3. How to measure your success
4. As technology progresses, what’s coming next.
Tim Clay is COO/founder of ClickMotive. He began working on the retail side of the automotive business in 1994 where he was able to study all aspects of the dealership world. He graduated from NADA Dealer Candidate Academy in 1996. Clay was a national sales manager for Automark, and then held several positions when it became Reynolds Web Solutions. Clay, along with Stuart Lloyd and Ray Myers founded ClickMotive in 2005. Today ClickMotive is one of the largest and most respected automotive software companies in the business.
An 11th Digital Dealer® Conference & Exposition Featured Speaker: Tim Clay — Total Conversion, Total Control, Total Customization: How to make any web site vendor more effective.
We’re building out the agenda, selecting speakers and topics for more than 90 sessions that are laser-focused on all things digital – Your Best Bet for Success! www.DigitalDealerConference.com