5 inside sales hiring tips for growing companies, from Entrepreneur.
If your company has recently tried to recruit inside sales talent, then you’re probably already keenly aware that competition for all-star reps has never been fiercer.
This is the result of a veritable explosion in inside sales hiring over recent years, motivated by data showing that inside (or remote) sales teams offer exponential returns compared with traditional outside sales teams. Great inside sales reps are therefore in high demand, and I’ve seen many companies struggle to expand sales teams quickly while recruiting reps with the acumen necessary to hit quotas.
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to quickly hire inside sales reps, it’s important to adopt the right recruitment strategy. To that end, here’s a collection of best practices.
1. Don’t hire a vice president of sales too soon. A lot of companies’ first hire for the sales team is a vice president of sales, but this person rarely lasts 12 months. It’s expected that this sales VP will single handedly expand the pipeline exponentially. But a great sales vice president has to be much more than a good salesperson. He or she has to be a great manager who needs to know how to recruit the right talent, roll out the right strategies and coach reps to attain success. Recruiting the perfect vice president of sales for your company can be a long process; I’ve seen it take more than a year.