When the Dow dropped 2,000 points in response to current events (COVID 19, oil, etc.), maybe your dealer came to you and demanded, “Stop everything – cut all expenses – and do it now!”
The auto market used to suffer three-year cycles, and so far we’ve had 11 years of growth; therefore, now is the time to revisit down-market strategies. It’s the perfect time to reassess your digital marketing strategy and adjust quickly.
While most agree that “this too shall pass,” there are some short to mid-term strategies you can deploy to GAIN market share in a downturn. During this webinar, Rob Stoesser will share how you can come back to the dealer, using facts and logic, to make the best decisions during this period of duress.
Primary Learning Objectives:
1. Discover strategies you can deploy today to make smarter decisions and win market share.
2. Understand that this is temporary – you’ll be far ahead after this passes – and it will pass.
3. Explore “how to” talk tracks for dealer principal / GM conversations.
Rob Stoesser
Vice President, C-4 Analytics
Rob Stoesser brings a comprehensive knowledge of and sincere passion for the automotive industry to C-4 Analytics, where he serves as Vice President, Sales. Rob has explored and excelled in many facets of the automotive world for the better part of three decades, working directly with and for dealerships, vendors and manufacturers from around the world.