WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the State of the Union address, President Obama recognized yet again the impact that America’s huge natural gas supply is having on our country. The President said “We produce more natural gas than ever before’ and “the natural gas boom has led to … greater energy independence.” To help accelerate that shift toward energy independence, the President said that “tonight, I propose we use some of our oil and gas revenues to fund an Energy Security Trust that will drive new research and technology to shift our cars and trucks off oil for good.”
“This would be a welcomed step,” said Richard Kolodziej, president of NGVAmerica. “Through more research and development, natural gas vehicles will get even more efficient, more cost-effective and cleaner. However, we don’t have to wait for the results of new research and new technology. Efficient, cost-effective and clean natural gas vehicles are available today. American-made vehicles, using natural gas produced right here, already are displacing significant volumes of foreign oil. The use of natural gas vehicles in light-duty, medium-duty and heavy-duty applications is rapidly growing today. We have been encouraged by the President’s past statements in support of natural gas vehicles. With supportive government policies, natural gas vehicle use could grow even faster – accelerating the reduction in our dependence on foreign oil, which would help keep more money and jobs, currently sent out of the country, right here at home.”
NGVAmerica is a national organization dedicated to the development of a growing, profitable, and sustainable market for vehicles powered by natural gas or biomethane. NGVAmerica represents more than 190 companies, environmental groups, and government organizations interested in the promotion and use of natural gas and biomethane as transportation fuels. Our member companies are those that produce, distribute, and market natural gas and biomethane across the country; manufacture and service natural gas vehicles, engines, and equipment; and operate fleets powered by clean-burning gaseous fuels. For more information about NGVAmerica, visit our website at www.ngvamerica.org.