Focus on Converting Website Visitors to Leads to Drive More Dollars to Your Bottom Line
During the DD18 Digital Dealer Session, Devin Daly will review the importance of creating an engaging, conversion focused website that drives greater advertising performance, more VDP views, more lead submissions and more sales. By reexamining the sales funnel, most dealers will find that the enormous amount of money they spend on ads, SEO and SEM is going to waste because far too few of these visitors are being fully engaged and encouraged to convert.
With the introduction of Google’s keyword variant matching, it’s easier than ever before to laser target car shopper audiences by segment. By re-marketing with AdWords, you can make sure that your site gets seen at exactly the right time in the buying cycle. Using these techniques and analyzing the data they provide allows you to fine tune your ad campaign to maximize its effectiveness.
Once your ad is prominently displayed at the top of a search, you are well positioned to encourage car shoppers to visit your website. When a consumer clicks through to your site, they’re reeled in; you just need to get them onto the boat. The same is true for organic visitors and site visits driven by other traditional media campaigns. The key is being ready — creating multiple content pathways that result in high levels of engagement — and ultimately, conversion. Unfortunately, most dealership websites fail to convert interested shoppers because the user experience is over-crowded and overstimulating. Furthermore, the average VDP is boring, below the fold and fails to hold their attention. The result? Yet another bounce — to a competitor site.
Devin will take an in-depth look at how to optimize a site’s content pathways, VDPs and CTAs for maximum conversion — as well as review the most important metrics to track. Armed with this information, dealers can maximize the full sales potential of their most important lead channel. Session topics will include:
● How to identify a poorly converting site
● Knowing what changes to improve website performance
● How to create an online experience that is more in line with the engagement customers experience on the lot
● How to derive more leverage from VDPs
● Howe to decrease site bounces
● How to increase VDP lead submissions
● How to generate more in-store visits
● How to leverage mobile
Learn how to Refine Your Sales Funnel to Move More Cars and more at the 100+ sessions, workshops and case studies at the 18th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition from April 21-23 in Tampa, FL!