Why Inventory Control is Continually Back-Benched by Business Owners, from Brook Software Solution.
You probably hear it all the time. Blogs, articles, and industry specific resources that stress the importance of inventory control and highlight the advantages of lean methodologies. Improving management procedures with technological innovation through highly specific planning systems, counting tools, and real-time data integration are all the rage because they help to streamline company supply chain performances.
But you may wonder why the importance of inventory control is continually back-benched by business owners, and why there seems to be a general reluctance to initiate such sweeping re-organisations. Logically, proven techniques that help reduce wastes, lower operational costs, and improve cash flow would naturally be the foremost strategy for most distributors and manufacturers, right?
The answer lies partly in the ingrained resistance everyone feels regarding unfamiliar changes, but also because many business owners have legitimate concerns regarding the costs, implementation, and training procedures involved in the integration process. Or, wonder when they’ll be able to see a complete ROI on the investment of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, warehouse management programme, or customer relationship management (CRM) upgrade.