A constant barrage of invites to chat blinking away, distracting your attention. Is it noise? Is it just smart conversion tactics? Chat is getting a bit gratuitous.
While speaking at a NADA 20 Group last week, I was live reviewing dealership website experiences, along with mystery shopping results, as I get called on to do. One thing became abundantly clear…
Your website wants to chat with me, and it won’t take no for an answer.
Like a needy significant other, they are constantly trying to steal your focus away from your core objective. Research.
Even some of our own dealer clients are guilty of this. And yes, I know it is more the chat providers themselves implementing these in-your-face tactics, but I digress. I see some websites that have an offer to chat…
- In the website header
- Peeking out of the left side of the site
- Buried in a toolbar in the bottom right with an open window
- Popping up unannounced on the same page in another window
That is FOUR invites to chat on the homepage of a website.
You might be surprised to know this, but not all consumers visit your site solely to chat. They want to educate themselves on your store, inventory, product, specials, offers, location, people, and more. Some do end up chatting for quick answers, and that is great.
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