New e-book details most important topics in Joe Verde’s bestselling book that gets salespeople over the hump in sales, helping them earn more money.
ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA – January 10, 2017 — Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., (JVSMT) today announced the launch of a new e-book, “Your Fast Start to Earning $100,000 Selling Cars,” based upon key points from Joe Verde’s popular book “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars Every Year.”
“Almost every salesperson wants ‘more success’, but not everyone has the time to read an entire book on success, no matter how valuable it may be to their income and their career,” said Joe Verde, author and President, Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc.
“Because so many salespeople have doubled and tripled their income from reading ‘Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars Every Year’, we decided to put together this short e-book of what they told us were some of the most important topics in my book that got them over the hump in sales and helped them earn more money than they ever dreamed. This is a short, easy-to-read, summary of those key points. Take a few minutes every day to read a page or two, and you’re guaranteed to pick up some invaluable ideas on your way to achieving the highest level in sales you can imagine,” Verde added.
Joe Verde and his training team will be in booth #2819 at the 2017 NADA Convention & Exposition in New Orleans, LA, January 27-29, 2017, to answer questions about how to sell more cars, have more fun and make more money in 2017. They will also be handing out free printed copies of “Your Fast Start to Earning Over $100,000 Selling Cars Every Year,” along with some of Verde’s other most popular titles.
Joe Verde has helped dealerships across North America for decades and has authored 6 books, of which to date, more than 550,000 copies have been sold and distributed. Verde and his team of professional trainers have over 60 years of combined experience teaching Joe Verde sales and management skills and processes. They’ve spoken to more than 150 Dealer 20 Groups, ADAs, and at many other industry events, including 25 NADA annual conventions. They also hold hundreds of Joe Verde Sales and Sales Management Workshops each year. Verde’s training is exclusive to the automotive industry. It provides common-sense solutions to every challenge that salespeople, managers and their dealerships face today in selling more vehicles, earning more profit, and retaining their customers for life.
When Verde pioneered online sales training in 2005 with, it was an instant success. As a complete training source, JVTN® gives its dealership customers 24/7 access to all of its courses. And because JVTN® courses mirror the live training workshops, this allows dealers to continue their training after they attend classes. From Verde’s ‘Core 4 Fast Start’ for every dealership, to the dozens of continuing education courses online, JVTN® has proven to be the most valuable in-house sales training resource in the automotive industry today. Verde regularly releases new online content and new books to help auto dealers get the results they are looking for.
To learn more about Joe Verde and his team at NADA click here. Or, to learn about Joe Verde workshops and training products, or to request a free copy of any of Joe Verde books, visit:, or call (800) 445-6217.
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About Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc.: |
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc., founded in 1985 with its corporate headquarters in Southern California, is consistently rated the number one automotive sales and management training company for producing immediate and long-lasting results for its customers for over 30 years. Joe Verde’s training team holds live workshops across North America, and he personally pioneered Virtual Training with JVTN® in 2005. He has authored several books, and has sold and distributed more than 500,000 copies of: “Top 7 Revenue & Profit Sources In Your Dealership,” “A Dealer’s Guide To Recovery & Growth,” “Get Everything You Want In Sales – Goal Setting For Salespeople,” “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year,” “38 Hot Tips On Selling More Cars” and “How To Sell A Car And Close The Sale Today” to help dealers, managers, and salespeople expand and grow their business every year.