There is now an affordable way to secure your customer information through a managed gateway to comply with the Gramm Leach Bliley requirements, as well as preventing civil action. When we look to safeguard information we always think of the F&I office and tend to ignore the fixed operations area and this is just as important when you think of the wealth of information that is collected on an R.O. Terry Dortch is sharing his expertise with you.
What will you learn and what action items will you take back to the dealership?
1. What is a managed gateway and why having just a firewall is not enough.
2. The problems that can occur when an R.O. gets into the wrong hands.
3. How to create a process to attain total compliance with safeguarding customer information.
Terry Dortch is the founder and CEO of Automotive Compliance Consultants, Inc. Founded in 2003, it is the largest and most established strictly automotive compliance consulting group in the United States. Their team of professionals has extensive knowledge in the retail automotive industry and specializes in compliance with Gramm-Leach-Bliley, EEO, Patriot Act, HR, OSHA, EPA, Red Flag, F&I Compliance and a host of other laws and regulations.
An 11th Digital Dealer® Conference & Exposition Featured Speaker: Terry Dortch — More to Fixed Operations Compliance than Just ‘Right to Know’: We need to be concerned about safeguarding customer information both physically and digitally.
We’re building out the agenda, selecting speakers and topics for more than 90 sessions that are laser-focused on all things digital – Your Best Bet for Success!