During a recent management retreat, a colleague introduced the group to the Internet’s fastest growing social networking site, Pinterest.com. Pinterest (pronounced pin-terest, not pin-interest) has burst onto the Internet with growth rates we haven’t seen since Facebook. Traffic has jumped to almost 11 million visitors in mid-December, nearly 40 times where it was only six months ago. Pinterest is now in the top seven social networks on the web, with 59% of its users being women ages 25-44.
During the brief demonstration I watched, I initially didn’t understand the mission of the site, or rather, why it would drive consumer eyeballs. I learned that you needed to “apply for admission” which could take weeks, or you could find another Pinterest user and have them invite you. Just like learning about every other social network, you’ll never truly understand it until you immerse yourself (which is what I did). While I was figuring out the value proposition Pinterest offered, I also showed the site to my wife and her sister. Their instant addiction caused me to embark on a journey to find out more about this site, and potentially how it might help my customers (you, the car dealer).
If you visit the site, you will notice that the majority of content relates to food, home decorating, crafts and child-related ideas. I took a stab at creating a man’s version of the site, including my interests in cool cars, vintage guitars and outdoor barbecuing. I was pleasantly surprised that when I searched for related “pins” and “boards,” I found there were many others with similar interests.
Pinterest is all about pictures, not so much about words. When you find an interesting picture on the web, you “pin” the picture and it is attached to your profile. You can also have “boards,” which are subject-related collections of pins. I have boards for “Cool Cars,” “Vintage Guitars,” etc. Every time I find a picture of a cool car, I “pin” the picture and put in on the “Cool Cars” Board. You can also “re-pin” someone else’s pin, which propagates that content across the web. You can also simply “like” someone else’s pin, which just shows you liked it, but didn’t feel compelled to re-pin it.
Since a major component of a dealer’s social marketing strategy should be to build a social network, and join in on the conversations, I would think a progressive dealer would start a profile for their store, and simply “pin” new or used car photos for special or unique items. You might also “pin” pictures of cool aftermarket or OEM accessories, perhaps alone or as part of a customer’s vehicle. You should be careful not to be too self-promoting, or you will be unlikely to attract many followers. Instead, only show the very new, or very special, models or products, and simply try to create interest. Creativity attracts interest on the site, by adding unique titles and high-quality photographs; you can increase the traffic to your profile. Be forewarned, Pinterest has rules where they discourage overt self-promotion, and you wouldn’t want to start your experience getting blacklisted.
You could also search the site for related “pins” for makes/models that you carry, and “re-pin” those items and maybe add a comment with your thoughts. Again, don’t add a comment that could be in any way considered self-promoting, but instead add an interesting fact about the benefits of the car’s make/model. You should also begin “following” other Pinners with similar interests, or anyone who starts following you. Like all social media sights, networking is key. Another idea would be to use your knowledge and statistics about the users on the site, and gear some of your boards to them. For example, since the majority of Pinterest users are women, create boards that appeal to women and direct them back to your profile to increase views of your boards.
You could create a board for your local community with pinned pictures of your community involvement like the Little League teams you’ve sponsored, and your passion for your community surroundings. You could create a board with pictures of cool home garages, pictures of interesting driving destinations, or even pictures of vehicle interior customizations. Once again, creativity is key on this site.
The goal is to create boards that reflect the personality and culture of the dealership, and the interests of the owner. As in all social marketing programs, you are trying to personally connect, in many cases one-on-one with other people with similar interests. If they feel a personal connection with you, they may eventually decide to become your customer, since people like doing business with friends.
I’ll admit, it took me a while to get my hands wrapped around this new site, but the growth stats are incredible. Effective digital marketing strategy promotes your business where people are spending their time online, so Pinterest definitely fits the bill. This site will force you to be a little more creative, and a little more subdued in your approach, but the exposure and payoff in the long run should be worth it. Chances are most dealers will read this article and move on, so your opportunity to be an early entrant could give you a nice head start.
Check out our Pinterest board at: www.pinterest.com/Dominionds
Good luck, and please let me know how I can help.