Who would you select if you had an opportunity to spend time with senior members of any company? Would you select members from your OEM, third-party sites, social sites or search engines? Many of you would hopefully select the dominate digital companies that have access to the highest percentage of the automotive intenders in your market. If you attend the next Digital Dealer Conference in Las Vegas, you will have the opportunity to accomplish that. I am facilitating a panel discussion with the two dominate digital platforms of our day: Google and Facebook. I will be joined by Peter Leto from Google and Bob Lanham from Facebook. Both are specialists within the automotive industry. Leto is head of industry for Google automotive sales. Lanham is focused primarily on supporting various brands with his insight. Lanham also spent some time working retail in the automotive space when he was first out of college.
eMarketer has reported that Google will claim roughly 78% of total US search ad revenues this year while Facebook rules display—capturing 39.1% of the US display market. The article goes on to explain that Facebook’s users are increasingly captivated by videos on the platform—not just on Facebook but on Instagram as well. “Video, both live and recorded, is a key driver of growing user engagement and advertiser enthusiasm,” it states.
In an article published by Fortune Magazine on March 14, 2017 titled Google, Facebook Increase Their Grip on Digital Ad Market, author Mathew Ingram stated: “The good news is that the digital-advertising is growing strongly, with revenues up sharply in 2016. The bad news? Virtually all (65%) of that growth is going to exactly two companies: Google and Facebook.” The article’s title is a good summation of how Google and Facebook have, in fact, taken over the digital ad industry. It further purports that smaller companies will continue to operate in the shadows of the industry’s two dominant players.
According to Advertising Age, Google and Facebook, will continue to grow and will control 57% of all mobile advertising this year and is projected to reach 60% by 2019. To quantify this, eMarketer reports Google will generate $28.5 Billion in 2017 with projections of $36.6 B in 2019. Facebook will generate $16.33 B in 2017 with projections of hitting $23.9 B in 2019 in just the US market.
The intent of the panel is not to pit Google against Facebook. Instead, the focus is a collective discussion on leveraging these digital giants to reach your market, both with sales and service. If you are effectively leveraging both Goggle and Facebook, you will reach 95% plus of auto intenders in your market. We will discuss the following:
- Specific ways that you can leverage your data to more effectively reach your audience through Facebook and Google
- How video can be leveraged in reaching your market
- Leveraging DMP audience data, rather than placement data
- Metrics-what is a good job.
- Case studies
- The type of video content that is driving results
Register now for the Digital Dealer 23 Conference & Expo (Sept. 18-20th in Las Vegas) to attend this session and 100+ other educational sessions.