The Proof Behind Website Personalization – Why Your Dealership Needs to Personalize or Perish, from Automotive Digital Marketing.
Thinking differently can cause some anxiety. Just ask Katie Couric & Bryant Gumbel circa 1994. Remember the Super Bowl commercial about the advent of the Internet?
But there’s no escaping the fact that the landscape of digital marketing is evolving due to the increased connectivity of content hungry consumers devouring information from around the web. Today’s automotive audiences are honing their shopping skills and expectations by interacting with brands that are curating a personalized experience. Think Amazon, Netflix, Spotify and Google.
I know, I know. None of these companies sell cars! But the data is in, and what works for them can work for you.
Of the majority of brands focusing on a personalized strategy, all 100% have experienced at least one benefit from this technology.
The four most commonly cited benefits are an increase in sales (74%), an increase in profit (61%), an increase in online traffic (58%) and an increase in customer loyalty (55%).
The ability to speak directly to your audience and tailor a relevant marketing message is symbiotic for both parties. A recent study from MarketingCharts, shows that consumers respond positively to this type of personalized experience. In fact, 53% of shoppers believe that retailers who personalize their shopping experience provide a valuable service and a third would like more!