How to Make Your Digital Dealership Inviting for Non-English Speakers, from activEngage.
American online communication predominantly uses text in English. However, depending on your dealership’s location, your customer base could have more non-English speakers than English speakers.
It is for this reason that dealerships need to seriously consider translation for their main website and digital communications. By doing so, you will invite in more business from diverse shoppers and ultimately…bring in the most sales!
So how do you go about making your website and communications more inviting for non-English speakers? Check out these four steps:
Add a Website Translation Button
When designing your website, you often have the ability to include a “Translate This Page” button at the top of your site. If your demographic has a predominantly non-English speaking population, then you should definitely add this button to your site to make it easier for shoppers to find what they are looking for in their preferred language.