Many businesses with limited advertising budgets spend their money on the wrong advertising, promotion and lead generation programs only to obtain poor results and frustrations for their efforts. Utilizing your employees for their strengths can help save you money on advertising in the long but the key, is motivation. This article will outline 3 proven strategies to help you motivate and inspire your employee’s to take ownership of their ideas and implement them with little or no cost.
- Plan! “If you fail to plan, you have planned to fail.” Schedule a few hours for a planning session away from distractions of your companies daily routine. All you need are open minds, notepads and pencils. All of your employees of a smaller firm should be able to meet together as a group. If you are a part of a large organization you can split up the groups without taking anyone away from business needs. Each employee plays a critical role in the success of your plan. When employees are included in the process, they get personally involved and take ownership of their ideas. Ownership of an idea is one of the greatest secrets of motivation. People are much more willing to work for their ideas than those of others. Motivated people will do whatever is necessary for a successful outcome. It goes without saying, motivation is a powerful thing.
- Keep it simple! A small idea can manifest into something so great! Listen to your employees suggestions with an open mind and consider that even the simplest suggestion can quickly grow into an outstanding marketing campaign. The key here is to get people talking and communicating their thoughts and ideas with each other. This approach also helps open up introverts and establishes an environment which brings your team closer together. You would be amazed with how much your employees care to contribute.
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