The Problem
We are getting calls from dealerships all across the country and they are increasing by that day regarding their need for technicians. Unfortunately, the solution to the concern doesn’t have an immediate reward and is generally not the answer that they want to hear.
The Solution
The solution to this problem has to involve the day-to-day operations and compensation programs technician’s desire. We have to make it so attractive to work at your dealership that the talented technicians hear about the commitments and programs you run that make their life better and come to you.
When people tell me they are working hard to find technicians, I generally hear things like “I ran an ad in three local papers and haven’t had anyone with experience apply.” So they’ve done their duty by placing the ads and no one is responded. So they keep needing technicians and provide poor performance to their customer base along with reduce customer satisfaction, growth, and profitability.
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