Integrating Desking and F&I to Boost Sales and Profits, from NCM Institute.
I developed my Desking and F&I Integration workshop to address the single biggest factor limiting sales and profits in dealerships today – the bottleneck that exists between the sales and F&I department. It’s caused by an entrenched “Us vs. Them” mentality that evolved during the F&I industry’s first quarter century. Because “it’s always been this way,” dealers accept it as the status quo.
The lack of integration between sales and F&I yields only negatives. It’s the reason customers like the True Car model. They’re tired of games. They want straight talk. They’re tired of being dragged through the mud. They’re tired of waiting for hours at the dealership, only to find they can’t get financed for the car they thought they’d be driving home that day.
Desking and F&I Integration takes a hard look at the problem, why it exists, and offers proven solutions. My workshop provides a system that delivers a seamless, transparent and resoundingly positive customer experience – while boosting sales and profit! Because it requires teamwork between sales management and F&I managers, I recommend that dealerships send a representative from each department to attend the workshop.