“Richard Libin again has written an industry standard. If you want to profit in sales, this is the book you need” – Deanna Juarex, CEO of Evolve Fitness.
BOSTON, Mass., April 14, 2017 – It doesn’t matter what you do, where you come from, or where you’re headed, everyone is a salesperson. This is the core premise of the new book, Who Knew? by Richard F. Libin, business owner, educator, and author. Mr. Libin asserts that selling is an essential skill, but one that is rarely taught. As a result, most people, and especially salespeople, are not properly trained and don’t truly understand how to sell. Who Knew? was released this month and is available through Who-Knew.com and on Amazon. The ebook debuts this week on Amazon and iTunes.
“Everyone is selling something – parents, teachers, consumers, employees, sales professionals and even kids – from the time you get up until you go to bed,” said Mr. Libin, author of the new book Who Knew? and president of APB. “You negotiate, communicate and try to influence the way people think. Like it or not, you are selling. With Who Knew? you will learn how to quickly assess situations, understand options and sell more effectively.”
In Who Knew?, Mr. Libin shares his more than 40 years of sales, educational and business experience and provides practical strategies for engaging customers, overcoming internal and personal roadblocks and learning to act intentionally rather than from habit. He offers a practical guide for developing the self-awareness, knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the competitive field of sales and in everyday situations where knowing how to sell make a difference. This book teaches readers how to discover and recognize that they may be creatures of habit and to change their way of thinking and acting to achieve the outcomes they desire.
“Richard Libin is the master at getting to the core of what we can all do to be our best at it, in a very direct and easy to understand style that is a compelling and fast-paced read,” said Robert S. Haws, Consulting Actuary. “After all, we are all selling our services, products and ideas all the time.”
About the Author
Richard F. Libin has been a leader in adapting new technologies for improved sales and service performance for three decades. He works closely with businesses using a hands-on, on-site approach to develop management and sales teams, and improve their ability to successfully attain their objectives. His first book, Who Stopped the Sale?, now in its second edition, is also available on Amazon and through Who Stopped The Sale. Mr. Libin writes recurring articles for WARD’S AUTO IdeaXchange, The American Salesman, Eyes on Sales, Sales Gravy and other leading sales publications and blogs.
As president of APB, he helps ensure that his clients keep pace with today’s sophisticated, knowledgeable customers, while excelling in customer satisfaction and maximizing growth and profit in every department. Prior to APB, Mr. Libin was affiliated with one of the largest New England auto auctions, a Chevrolet dealership in the Boston area. His experience with both wholesale and retail customers gave him a solid foundation and understanding of the internal chemistry of both service and sales departments.