The first award recipients for the Digital Dealer Website Excellence Awards will be announced at the 11th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition, October 5-7, at The Mirage, in Las Vegas, NV.
Dealer Communications, the leading multi-media information source for franchised dealers and managers, is co-sponsoring this new award series – The Digital Dealer® Website Excellence Awards — to recognize automotive dealers, managers and their website providers for exceptional performance of the websites they design, host, and support.
Recognition is based upon independent, unbiased analytics of dealers’ websites performed by Dataium, LLC., co-sponsor of the awards. Dataium is the largest aggregator of auto shopper behavior and provides OEMs and thousands of dealers advanced website analytics and is the only company providing multi-make/model data collection, analysis, and benchmarking.
This competition is the first of its kind and is completely objective based on statistics.
There will be awards for the best performance in each of the following 9 categories, as well as the top award for best overall performance among all categories:
- Best Performance: Unique Visitor to Auto Shopper Conversion
- Best Performance: Leads per Auto Shopper
- Best Performance: Leads per Inventory Search
- Best Performance: % of Auto Shoppers Returning (% of Be Backs)
- Best Performance: Lowest User Bounce Rate
- Best Performance: Greatest Share of Leads among website visitors
- Best Performance: Leads per page views
- Best Performance: Lead Volume
- Best Performance: Inventory Search Volume
The competition was announced last April at the 10th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition and over 230 dealerships participated in this first round which closed in August.
Starting September 1, 2011, the competition will begin for the Spring 2012 Digital Dealer Website Excellence Awards. Going forward, awards will be announced twice annually at the Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition.
Dealer Communications invites automotive dealers nationwide to enter the Spring 2012 competition by registering their websites at There is no entry fee and registration is quick and easy.
Each dealership that enters the competition will receive Dataium’s VisiCogn® INSITE application (Basic version) at NO COST for one year — a $1,200 value. Dataium will automatically analyze data from this application in order to evaluate each dealer’s website performance.
The benefits to automotive dealers are clear. With Dataium’s VisiCogn INSITE, you will know who is on your website, what they are shopping for, what they are comparing, and when they return. This product lets users:
- Compare website performance against local, regional, or brand benchmarks
- Know which consumers are shopping for which products online
- Know where your online auto buyers are in their buying cycle
- Target sales/marketing message based upon consumer shopping activity
- Know which vehicles you are competing with down to the individual consumer
- Know if a consumer leaves and/or re-enters the market for a vehicle
- What is your lead form abandonment rate on your website
Further, dealers can access “in market” analysis services which allow local dealers to target past leads, customers, and current service customers based upon current online in-market shopping activity.
For more information about INSITE visit . Dataium is the automotive industry’s largest aggregator of online shopper behavior. By tracking billions of automotive shopping events across thousands of websites, Dataium is the only company providing multi-make/model data collection, analysis, and benchmarking. The company supports cutting edge data collection and reporting technology; VisiCogn® Collection Utility, VisiCogn® Knowledge Center, VisiCogn® INSITE, and is also known for its ASI index. For more information, visit, email: info(at), or call 877-896-DATA (3282).