Leveraging SWOT Analysis, from AutoCarePro.
As I teach all of my clients, effectively improving an organization’s sales and customer service effort should begin with an honest evaluation of the company’s current performance to establish a baseline from which improvements can be addressed and measured.
One of the best ways to clearly gauge current performance is to perform a SWOT analysis.
As a strategic-planning management tool, a SWOT analysis evaluates the four areas represented by the letters of the name:
S = Strengths
W= Weaknesses
O = Opportunities
T = Threats
Many businesses will only have the senior executives participate in a SWOT analysis process. While that can be worthwhile for an operational analysis, a SWOT efforts focused on sales and customer service should absolutely involve all employees that regularly interface with customers. These staff members have first-hand knowledge of the company’s strengths and weaknesses and can provide valuable insight as to what is happening at the critical point-of-sale on a day-to-day basis.