Whether you’re the Dealer, GM or Digital Ninja This Is Cant Miss.
How are you holding your platform/inventory vendor’s accountable for performance? Do you have an existing analytics account? Are you using it properly and do you know how to read those results?
My session at #DD18 will cover how to properly track VDP’s in analytics with an easy to apply filter. I will be sharing the spreadsheet I use to track VDP’s internally in our group by week, what those results mean and how to hold your vendors accountable using them. In this session you will learn:
- How to accurately apply a basic filter in analytics and track VDP’s
- How to look at SRP and VDP counts to hold vendors accountable for performance and how a VDP correlates to a sale on the floor
The main focus here is how to push all of those pesky reports aside when your vendor stops by and get down to the substance. How do you know if they are performing up to par and if they are giving you the audience- how can you quickly see where your merchandising is failing? Do you know the data they give you is measured differently than it would be in store? Does it all even matter anyways? I am a car girl through and through which means all this information will be provided in a light hearted entertaining format. You will have a handout take away that explains exactly how to apply these filters and how to build the reports you need. So, this class will not require notes but it will be full of engagement and participation.
We have to inspect what we expect. It’s also extremely important to know which vendors can be gauged this way and how to know if they are just a vendor if they are a true partner to you. Most importantly I am here from a dealer, just like you. Let’s have a conversation.
Learn how to Track, Read and Analyze your VDP’s and more from the 100+ sessions, workshops and case studies at the 18th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition from April 21-23 in Tampa, FL!