How To Embrace The New Relationship Economy, from Forbes.
This past Christmas, magic happened. For the first time in over a decade, I was actually happy. And what made that morning so wonderful was someone’s death – mine. I was finally able to lay the old me to rest — the me always on-edge, full of anxiety, exhausted and unfocused, the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis. Not only did this state negatively affect my mindset, it wreaked havoc on my body and it also ruined my marriage.
With an out-of-control hormonal imbalance, everything seemed to unravel at a chaotic pace. But on August 5th, 2014, something extraordinary happened. I had a meeting that would change my life. After a long journey of traveling to meet with some of the country’s top doctors, I was left unfulfilled by the encounters. However, this particular day was different. It was finally confirmed, thanks to highly trained physicians at USC Norris, that the symptoms I have are real and not unusual for my condition — not imagined.
With a new sense of clarity and normalcy, I began to see life in a more vibrant light. Down this long road, I’ve realized the true value of relationships. I rekindled the flame with my wife Joanna, and am currently getting treatments to restore my body’s natural hormone levels.