Los Angeles, CA — A new iPhone application allowing car owners to receive online estimates for auto body shop has been released by DingIT.com. The new DingIT application allows the user to submit a request for estimates from nearby body shops by providing the car information and several photos of the damaged car.
“The DingIT iPhone app was designed to simplify the process of taking photos and submitting a request for estimates. It literally takes about 30 seconds to submit a case. The user does not even have to specify the areas from which estimates are sough. The app is using the iPhone’s geo-location to know where you are at, and submit the request to body shops in your vicinity,” says Sagi Smolarski, co-founder and head of technology at DingIT.com
It is estimated that more than 30 million auto body repair jobs are performed annually in the USA, with an average cost over $2000. Thus, this new app, which is available via the rapidly growing market of smartphones, is very appealing to a major segment of this market. “The benefits of getting estimates online include significant time saving, the cost of gas, and the actual saving on cost of the repair which can reach hundreds of dollars. But there is no doubt that making this service available via smartphones is a major leap as it makes this service simpler, quicker, and much easier to use” says Eyal Golan, co-founder, and head of global marketing.
In order to ensure the quality of the body shops in the DingIT network, body shops are first asked to submit a “request for application”, and only once the body shop’s credentials are screened, the shop is added to the network. But more importantly, DingIT is employing a rating system that is based on users feedback, so when new users receives estimates, they can also see how the shop was rated by previous car owners.
At this point this service is offers free of charge to both body shops and to car owners, promises Mr. Golan.
About DingIT
DingIT® is an independent service company. Its objective is to solve the inefficiencies that currently exist in the process of repairing dents and auto body damage by exploiting Internet technology. DingIT introduced the first independent online dent and body damage repair marketplace both via the Internet, and as a SmartPhone application. DingIT.com started operating in 2003, initially in the Greater Los Angeles and gradually in other major cities.