We have all heard of the ABCs of Sales (Always Be Closing), but I would like to turn that around to Customer Service – Always Be Considerate!
If you put yourself in your customer’s shoes and Consider where they are coming from, what are their pain points, what can you do to help… you will be a hero! Not to say that you will always have the answer or a fix for whatever is troubling them right away, but let’s face it, often times our clients have a hard time expressing what it is that will satisfy them when they are frustrated. Clients may not need something urgently, they may merely want to feel as if they are heard, are valued, that they are not forgotten about.
As for the rest of the alphabet;
Be Dependable
Practice great work Ethic
Forgive your clients when they lash out
Be Generous with your time
Be as Helpful as possible
Rely on your Instincts
Don’t always try to Justify mistakes
Always be Kind
Listen to your clients
Be a Master of your craft
Don’t be Negative
Be Open to new ideas & approaches
Provide excellent customer service
Ask Questions
Be Responsive
Keep things Simple
Try your best
Understand the product you are supporting
Be the Voice of the customer
Welcome feedback
Have a hobby, like playing the Xylophone (just seeing if you are paying attention)
Be Yourself, your customer will know if you are a fake
Don’t be a Zombie, your clients will know when you are just going through the motions