You know what they look like and where they are.
They’re the service interval reminders, and they come in the form of a tiny piece of plastic that clings to the upper driver’s-side corner of every windshield. Your service advisors take the time to update them with every service. Day in and day out they cling, patiently reminding your customers to come back to your dealership for their next service.
Yet how often do your customers blithely ignore them, driving for miles beyond the sticker’s recommendation? Do they even know what the manufacturer’s recommendations are for servicing their car?
They might, and they’re in good company. According to a recent DMEautomotive study, 77% of customers surveyed knew their manufacturer’s service recommendations. But of those, 18% choose not to follow the intervals. Is this even fair to the clinging windshield sticker?
It’s not. And worse, that trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
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