As summer quickly approaches, heat stress prevention is becoming a prominent issue. Educate yourself on heat stress factors and symptoms as a precaution against serious illness or death caused by heat stress. Heat Stress is particularly frequent in auto shops that are not air conditioned.
- High temperatures without breeze.
- Low liquid intake
- Heavy labor
- Heavy clothing
Symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke
- Headache, dizziness, fainting
- Weakness
- Irritability
- Confusion
- Thirst, nausea, vomiting
- Lack of sweat
- Provide training about hazards and symptoms of heat stress! Train on the following:
- Health effects of heat stress, the environmental and personal risk factors for heat illness, and the impacts of exertion, clothing and personal protective equipment.
- Management’s policies and procedures for complying with applicable regulations.
- The importance of drinking water and being acclimatized to your environment.
- Signs and symptoms of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
- Proper precautions to prevent heat illnesses.
- The importance of communicating signs or symptoms of Heat Illness.
- Emergency Response procedures for Heat Illness situations.
- Supervisor procedures and weather monitoring.
- Provide plumbed water or a minimum of 2 quarts of water per employee.
- Employees should report low water levels to their supervisor.
- Supervisors should provide frequent reminders to employees to drink frequently, and water breaks should be provided.
- Provide access to shade.
- Encourage workers to wear loose, light-colored, lightweight cotton clothing.
- Encourage workers to wear sunscreen.
Employer Responsibilities
Monitor workplace temperatures.
Provide engineering controls, work practices, and protective equipment to reduce exposure levels.
Ensure the availability of water or other appropriate beverages to employees.
Ensure employees that are new to the work area are provided with an appropriate acclimation or conditioning period.
Ensure that employees who have had time off are reminded of this reduction in tolerance.
Ensure that employees who have symptoms of a temperature-related condition have access to a health care provider, should they wish to seek medical treatment.
Do you know how compliant you are with OSHA Environment and Safety regulations? The KPA Online Risk Assessment (insert link) can help you identify your safety strengths and weaknesses, and then become compliant across the board. Begin the complimentary assessment today!