CRYSTAL LAKE, IL – Yet another federal regulation auto dealers must comply with is rapidly approaching. Automotive Compliance Consultants reminds dealers that this regulation requires them to complete a Spill Prevention Plan by Nov. 10 if their dealership is near a navigable creek, stream, drainage system feeding into any waterway, or other waterway and stores oil, oil sludge, waste oil or fuel oil.
“If you do, the EPA Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulation likely pertains to you,” says Terry Dortch, President, Automotive Compliance Consultants, Crystal Lake, IL.
You must comply if your dealership is near these navigable waters or their adjoining shorelines and your individual, aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity is greater than 1,320 U.S. gallons or completely buried storage capacity greater than 42,000 U.S. gallons.
Now is the time for dealers to obtain the proper EPA paperwork and guidelines and start calculating and cataloging how the SPCC regulation impacts them. Dealers may contact the company for a PDF version of this guide and paperwork.
Dealerships near navigable waters but with storage of less than 10,000 gallons may self-certify their compliance. Automotive Compliance Consultants can assist dealers with either certification process.
Automotive Compliance Consultants specializes in dealership compliance, providing in-dealership consultations and analysis, compliance audits, and training, and offers solutions for all compliance needs. The Automotive Compliance Consultants staff has extensive experience in the retail automotive industry and focuses exclusively on dealership compliance issues.
For more information, contact Terry Dortch at [email protected] or visit